Feline Grooming
Help your pet look and feel great.
At Cozy Cat Veterinary Hospital, we understand that cats can get dirty and their fur can get matted. We have terrific groomers who love to make your pets look, feel and smell their best. A well groomed cat is a healthier and happier cat.
Our groomers are pet care professionals who understand that each cat and breed has different grooming requirements. We will be happy to discuss the best ways to achieve a healthy and comfortable coat for your pet.
And as important as they are for basic hygiene, we know nail trims and ear cleanings can be as exhausting for you as they are for your furry friend - but don’t worry, we can do those too.
Our Cat Grooming Services Are Available Monday - Thursday
We only do grooming on clients cats, we are not a grooming facility.
We’re proud to offer our clients the following services:
- Nail trims
- Soft paws application
- Ear cleaning
- Shampooing and conditioning
- Brushing and dematting
- Clips, trims, and styles
- Lion cuts or shaving
Call us at (919) 571-9007 to book your pet’s grooming appointment. You won’t be disappointed, we promise.